Our Purpose:
To raise funds for DMD research and education.
To raise the awareness of the need for continued research.
To provide patient and family support.
To provide hope for individuals facing DMD.
To provide educational support to raise awareness.
To influence local, state, and federal policy regarding funding for DMD research.
To pursue other endeavors to make a positive impact on DMD research and/or patient care.
Checks Payable to:
Dear John Michael Foundation
PO BOX 81062 Midland, TX 79708

Our Mission:
The mission of The Dear John Michael Foundation for Fighting DMD is to financially support efforts dedicated to finding a cure for DMD, increasing treatment methods for DMD, and enhancing the quality of life for young men affected by DMD. The Dear John Michael Foundation is dedicated to improving public awareness of all facets of DMD, including research, patient care, and education. The Dear John Michael Foundation is committed to supporting DMD research with specific direction as designated by the Board of Directors.